Minggu, 25 April 2010

Matters relating to the spawning fish

Matters relating to the spawning fish

Comparison of sexes in spawning fish of each species vary, but the comparison is generally close to each other. Many found that the fish spawn pelagophils are abuzz in a particular area. Spawning areas (Spawning ground) North Sea herring in the southern part of the proposed Cushing (1968) in length between 2-3 km and width of 500 m.

These fish spawn every year in the same area and also regular time. In Indonesia, the region economically important marine fish spawning much remains unknown. For example the location of spawning areas lemuru still unknown. Fish larvae have been found further rise in the first time appeared not far from Banyuwangi. Each year the emergence of juveniles were in the same area.

Huge lemuru likely spawning areas not far from where the children fish at first appear. Direction and velocity of flow and age of juveniles first appeared it plays a role in determining the location of spawning areas in the surface region. Similarly, fish spawning areas is unknown. But the enormous possibilities that the spawning area was several hundred feet below the water surface.

Spawning period of each species of fish vary. There are spawning that took place in a short time (total spawner = isochronal), but many also in a long time. Spawning in part for some (partial spawner = heterochronal) in fish may take up to several days. In such case, the female fish usually remain in spawning areas during the spawning process is not finished. When spawning is completed, the male fish that live in the area longer than in female fish.

Which could be a stimulant for fish spawning lithophils, psamophils and phythophils, besides the existence of spawning substrates such as stone, sand and plants also increase or decrease water temperature and the arrival, just become a natural stimulant for fish when the fish spawn sudah_siap. Among the biological factors that play a role in spawning the organs for sight, hearing, smell and linea lateralis and the gland is clogged. Hubbs and Martin (1965) suggested that the darter fish (Etheostema lepidum) can be spawned at night and by day.

Spawning is done at the time of the day occurred on the same fish (homospesifik), whereas spawning occurs at night can occur with different species (heterospesifik) so that it can cause the occurrence of a hybrid. In the blind group spawning fish can be proceeded in a usual because with the help of the organ of smell and linea lateralis. Votes issued at the time of spawning fish in addition to calling form the opposite sex is also a stimulant to spawn.
Source: M. IchsanEffendie, 1997
