Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

Type of food carp

Type of food carp

Carp is a species of fish-eating plants (herbivores). When the size of carp seed having the character of Carnivora, therefore it is kind of feed given at the time of carp seed size is in the form of water fleas (Daphnia), silk worms. Mascara on carp are herbivores occurs when an adult carp. The usual type of feed given to the carp are as follows:
1. Leaves of taro / taro leaves
2. Leaf Sente
3. Cassava leaves
4. Spinach leaves
5. Sweet potato leaves
6. Papaya
7. Sprouts: mung bean sprouts, red bean sprouts, bean sprouts of young rice seedlings
8. Squash
9. Artificial feed (pellets)
10. Boiled Corn
11. Bran
12. Tofu
13. Bean cake
