Sabtu, 04 September 2010

Ways of Breeding fish Tawes (Puntius javanicus)

Ways of Breeding fish Tawes (Puntius javanicus)

The provision of quality seed in sufficient quantities and continuous is an important factor in the development of fish farming for consumption.

Effort is mostly done in Magelang District, as in the Village District Paremono Mungkid therefore supported the availability of good water during the dry season and rainy. Besides, it felt more rnenguntungkan hatchery operations because a relatively short time spent approximately three weeks - one month, and its marketing was easy.

tawes fish hatchery is there some way that hatchery fish in the ponds, hatcheries and hatchery in rice fields in the hapa. Here is a technique pembenihannya:

1. Holding elections
➢ To get good quality seeds and the number of lots in the hatchery Tawes need to choose a good parent with the characteristics:

a. Location of the anal opening is located relatively close to base of tail.
b. Relatively small head and pointed.
c. Large scales and regular.
d. Wide and solid base of tail.

Generally fish ➢ tawes males began spawning at age less than one year, and its parent tawes females at approximately age 1.5 years. To know that the parent fish tawes have matured genitals and ready to be cultivated with signs as follows:

a. Female parent
- His stomach expands towards genetal (release) if dirabalebih soft.
- Hole anal somewhat reddish in color.
- Close the gills when touched more slippery.
- When the abdomen massaged from head to anal direction will come out blackish liquid.

b. Male parent
When the abdomen massaged from head to anal direction will come out whitish colored liquid (sperm).

Close the gills when palpated feels rough.
- When the abdomen massaged from head to anal direction will come out whitish colored liquid (sperm).
- Close the gills when palpated feels rough.

2. Pond Preparation

Tawes spawning fish pond as well as a hatchery pond and the pond. Before used for spawning, pond dried.
Improvements constructed and the pond made elongated channel (caren / kamalir) of expenditure towards water intake of water with a width of 40 cm and depth of 20-30 cm.

3. Parent Waiver
The parent fish ➢ tawes who have been chosen to be cultivated later diberok, Pemberokan with the placement of the male parent and female separately for 4-5 days.
After diberok then inserted into the parent fish breeding ponds have been prepared.

➢ parent Submission to the pool when the water reaches approximately 20 cm.
➢ The number of the parent who removed 25 male and female parent male parent 50 tails.
➢ In the afternoon about 16:00 o'clock in the water entering the pond is enlarged so that the water flow faster.
Usually the parent fish ➢ tawes spawned at 19:00 to 22:00 o'clock.
➢ Parent will spawn normally have started at noon romp around the water intake.

4. Hatching Egg

➢ After tawes laying parent fish, the water entering the pond is reduced so that the eggs are not washed up, done at the hatchery spawning pond as well.
➢ In the morning checked if there are eggs that accumulate around the pool or the shallow part of the land distributed by swinging a broom stick in the bottom of the pond.
Tawes fish ➢ Eggs usually hatch all after 2-3 days.
➢ From the result of hatchery reared fish in the pond for approximately 21 days.

5. Fish Seed Harvesting
➢ Harvest conducted in the morning.
➢ dampen / drain the pond.
➢ After the seeds were dikamalir / dicaren, seeds are captured by the Waring or seser.
➢ The seeds are housed in hapa who have been placed in flowing water channel water flow is not heavy.
➢ Seed lersebut again later maintained in the pond or sold.

6. Separating
➢ At first pond dried for 2-3 days.
➢ Repair embankment, making caren / channel.
➢ Basic swimming analyzed using hoe, then fertilized with Urea & SP 36 10 gr/m2 and manure from 1 to 1.5 kg/m2 depending on fertility.
➢ After pool fertilized and then watered as high as 2-3 cm and 2-3 days later left the pool water added gradually until a depth of 50 cm.
➢ Then spread the seeds of the pond by stocking ekor/m2 10-20.
➢ Maintenance performed approximately three weeks - a month.
➢ The seeds can be harvested and the results can be sold or stocked in the pond anymore II.

source: Bambang Sunarno, IN AzNa Books, 2010
