Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

tips on planting water plants for fish

tips on planting water plants for fish

Tropical aquatic plants for aquariums mostly marketed in plastic packaging, which at the bottom of the stalk were pots with mineral wool. This can protect the plant and allowing the roots to continue to develop the ideal start when the plants are sorted and cut like at the beginning of planting until the planting location.

Pot and new mineral wool may be released when ready to be planted.
Use plastic pots are easily released from the roots - roots that live in it. Roots that had spread to
carefully removed from the plastic pots.
if there are roots that are too long san a lot, should be cut using scissors or a knife.

because plant roots are spread out can be more easily rot.
Small Plants
flat like Lilaeopsis sometimes difficult to be planted back when the mineral wool has been removed. In some cases, or sometimes simply by removing the bottom of the mineral wool and the rest with roots can be planted into the aquarium.

Before planting you should first remove the leaves that are old, so the Alcan plant look more attractive. It is expected that new plants will grow clan appear
new leaves in accordance with the conditions of water in the aquarium and pencahayaanya. ocis

source: WartaPasarIkan, Dir. Marketing of Home Affairs, Directorate General P2JP, DKP 2009
