Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

The Amazing History Of Siamese Fighting Fish

The Amazing History Of Siamese Fighting Fish


Peter Myles

These small tropical fish are placid when on their own, and suprisingly aggressive towards other male Bettas. They can live in the smallest of bowls. In the wild they have even been found living in water-filled buffalo hoofprints...

Betta Fish (e.g. Siamese Fighting Fish) are tropical native fish to the Southern parts of Asia and the countries of Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia.

Betta Fish thrive in the natural wilderness, and in places where there is small reedy like pools, slow flowing creeks and shallow ponds. Considered the most beautiful of all tropical fish, they get their name 'Siamese Fighting Fish' (e.g. Betta Fish) because of their aggressiveness towards other male Bettas.

They\'re also aggressive in nature too because they have to survive in smaller bodies of water, and therefore tend to fiercely protect their area (where they live) or they\'ll lose out on breeding with a female Betta (who shares the male Bettas pond, stream, etc.) to a more dominate male Betta fish.

Sometimes Bred For Fighting

People have been breeding Siamese Fighting Fish for MANY thousands of years. In places like Thailand for example... they even breed betta fish for fighting. The Bettas which are bred as ornamental types are usually MUCH prettier though, than the Bettas bred for fighting.

These Siamese Fighting Fish we love to call betta fish also have a very unique characteristic which actually makes them much different in some respects to other types of tropical fish.


Because these special fish can breath both through their gills, and through a special organ called the 'labyrinthine' which allows the Betta fish to take in pure oxygen when there is a limited supply of oxygen found in its water environment.

Maintaining Healthy Betta Fish

Bettas are fresh water tropical fish which love shallow water, and thrive in warmer temperatures around the 30° mark. Nevertheless, if you live in a more temperate climate, then you\'ll need to add an aquarium heater to your tank. This is especially so if the temperature of the water tends to drop below the 18° mark.

The Betta fish can oftentimes survive in poorer quality water, but you should always endeavor to change the water frequently to ensure that your pet Betta is happy, healthy and active. These gorgeous long fin beauties really do need their water changed at least 'one to three' times a week. And if you decide to put your pet Betta in a small bowl then you may need to change the water every few days.

Bettas are prone to pick-up a number of common diseases like dropsy and fin rot which in most cases are more or less associated with the quality of water in which they live. In a home tank environment there are special medicines available such as 'Bettafix' which is excellent for aquarium fish like the tropical Betta Fish.

Aquarium Tank Space

Although not advised a Betta fish will live in small bowls and tanks. Many times Bettas are kept in small plastic jars and even smaller glass containers or a betta tank purchased from the local pet shop.

It\'s always best though to keep Bettas in separate containers unless you are thinking about breeding. Another thing to watch out for is trying to put different varieties of tropical fish in a single bowl or tank.


Because long finned, redish colored tropical fish almost always pick-on Betta Fish. Tropical fish such as 'tiger barbs, serpae, and even tetras' which tend to attact the Bettas flowing fin.

Anyone can own a Betta Fish. They\'re an especially good animal to have as a first-time pet owner or somebody that has very little time or space in their lives for a regular size pet.

And Betta fish are also very low maintenance as well.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pets-articles/the-amazing-history-of-siamese-fighting-fish-1067656.html

About the Author

Peter Myles is an expert in the care and breeding of betta fish as well as betta fish care and offers free tips and advice at his website www.bettafishguru.com
