Jumat, 08 April 2011

Bacterial Fin / Tail Rot / Pseudomoniasis

Bacterial Fin / Tail Rot / Pseudomoniasis

Cause: Pseudomonas spp.

BioEkologi Pathogens:
• It is a gram-negative bacteria and non-spore. These bacteria are aerobic. with a size of 3 um x 0.5 um, motile, producing fluorescent pigment. and breed in soil and water.
• Hazardous mainly on freshwater fish (although it also can attack sea fish and brackish) and can result in high mortality due to infectious disease in quick time when water conditions allow.
• Transmission and spread of disease through direct contact with fish that are sick or with the polluted environment.
• The attacks can occur when fish are vulnerable or weakened by hunger. the feed is not suitable. cold, or water conditions are not good.
Clinical Symptoms
• Fish weak to move slowly. breathe gasping at the surface of the water.
• Color pale gills and a dark body color change.
• There are patches of red on the outside of his body and damage to the fins, gills and skin
• excessive mucus at first, then emerged bleeding
• fin and tail loss (decayed)
• bleeding. stomach became bloated fish, known as dropsy.

• isolation and identification of bacteria through bio-chemical tests.

• Avoiding the occurrence of stress (physical, chemical, biological)
• Improve overall water quality, particularly reducing the levels of dissolved organic material and / or increase the frequency of replacement of new water
• Management of fish health in an integrated (fish, environment and pathogens)
• Reduce feeding and number of fish in pond
• Soaking in a solution of PK 20 ppm for 30 minutes.

source: Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia, Directorate General of Aquaculture, Fish and Environmental Health Directorate, 2010
