Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

fish disease: Enteric Septicemia of Catfish (ESC)

fish disease: Enteric Septicemia of Catfish (ESC)

Cause: Edwarsiella ictaluri
Bio-Ecology Pathogens:
• rod-shaped bacteria, gram-negative character moves with the aid of flagella. does not form spores or capsules and are facultative anaerobes.
• Originally known to only infect fish cannel catfish, but the latter is known to infect other fish species such as catfish, catfish, and eel. Experimentally, several types of fish such as trout, tilapia, salmon and ornamental fish can also be infected with this bacteria.
• Transmission of horizontally ie contact between the host or through the water.
• Case ESC generally occurs when water temperatures are relatively warm (22-28 degrees Celsius), but at water temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius or above 30 degrees centigrade, this bacteria is decreased malignancy.

Clinical Symptoms
• Weak, loss of appetite. color pale gills, sometimes protruding eyes and / or abdominal swelling (dropsy)
• Often, too, found the existence of petechiae (red spots) on the body part that is not pigmented (under the chin, stomach or at the base of the fin)
• Swim in the water or the pool with his head pointing up
• Before dying, the fish usually swim like a spastic and / or swim like a spiral spin
• There are white patches on internal organs (liver, spleen, kidney, d1l.)

• Isolation and identification of bacteria through bio-chemical tests.
• Detection of bacterial genes by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

• Avoiding the occurrence of stress (physical, chemical, biological)
• Improve overall water quality, particularly reducing the levels of dissolved organic material and / or increase the frequency of replacement of new water
• Management of fish health in an integrated (fish, environment and pathogens)
• Limit and / or regulate feeding and mixing of feed with drugs (medicated feed and feed restriction)
• Conducting anti-Edwardsiella ictaluri vaccine.

source: Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia, Directorate General of Aquaculture, Fish and Environmental Health Directorate, 2010
