Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

Fish Disease: vibriosis in shrimp

Fish Disease: vibriosis in shrimp

Cause: Vibrio harveyii, V. alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus. etc..

Bio - Ecology Pathogens
• vibriosis in shrimp larvae commonly as secondary infection, especially when under stress and weak.
• Bacterial infections are usually associated with stress conditions due to: high density, malnutrition, poor handling. parasitic infections, high organic matter, low oxygen. poor water quality. extreme fluctuations in water temperature. etc..
• The attack is acute, and if environmental conditions continue to decline, which caused the death can reach 100%. particularly in post-larvae or juvenile stage.

Clinical symptoms:
• Body of shrimp look dull and dirty.
• decreased appetite, damage to the legs and gills, gill or brownish color.
• Types of Vibrio spp. which generally attacks the larvae glow shrimp and prawn disease disease called glow (luminescent vibriosis).
• Shrimp affected showed symptoms of necrosis, the condition of the body is weak, slow swim, appetite loss, red spots (red discoloration) on the pleopod and abdominal as well as visible light at night
• Shrimp vibriosis affected leg will show the pool (pleopoda) and the foot path (pereiopoda) shows melanisasi.
• Shrimp are dying often swim to the surface or edge of the pond embankment.

• Isolation and identification of bacteria through bio-chemical tests.

• Disinfection of aquaculture facilities before and during the maintenance process shrimp
• Giving immunostimulan element (eg addition of
vitamin C in feed) are routinely during maintenance
• Avoiding the occurrence of stress (physical, chemical, biological)
• shrimp health management in an integrated manner

source: Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia, Directorate General of Aquaculture, Fish and Environmental Health Directorate, 2010
