Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

Guppy Fish Farming Techniques

Guppy Fish Farming Techniques

Guppy fish is one fish species from the family Poicilidae, where fish of this family include easy-bred fish. The special feature of guppy fish is wide and patterned tail spots. Complexion spots are composed of various colors, like blue, black, yellow, or red only. The length of an adult guppy can reach 3-4 cm.
The selection of the parent
How to differentiate the male and female by looking at body shape and color. Sharp colored male parent and female parent body lean while he was short and plump and opaque body color.
· Preparation of spawning
Containers for spawning wall of tub or plastic tub measuring 1 x 1 x 0.5 m, 2 x 1 x 0.5 m or 4 x 4 x 0.5 m with a high water 25-40 cm and low aeration.
Water used for spawning has a pH of 6-7 and temperature 24 - 28oC. Substrates used to place the parent making out and put the egg in the form of Hydrilla.
· The Spawning
Spawning takes place in bulk with a male-female ratio of 1: 2 with a solid tail stocking 15/50 liter of water.
Spawning is marked with a guppy males chasing females and always "heading" the female anus and sometimes put his body into the female body.
After 4-7 days, usually kids guppy fish swimming in the water. After that, it can be separated from its mother.
Treatment Eggs, larvae and Children
- To avoid fungal attack, the media is dissolved MGO pet egg and MB
- Each parent can produce 10-50 tail, juvenile fish are then transferred to another container that has been prepared.
- Food that is provided in the form of infusoria until the age of 5-7 days.
- To protect the juvenile fish in the maintenance of container plants are given water hyacinth or water in the form of Hydrilla.
source: http://www.perikanan-budidaya.kkp.go.id
