Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Disease Mycobacteriosis / Fish Tuberculosis (TB)

Disease Mycobacteriosis / Fish Tuberculosis (TB)

Cause: Mycobacterium marinum (sea water) and M. fortuitum (fresh water)

Bio - Ecology pathogen
• bacteria are gram positive, short rod-shaped and non-motile.
• rain-fed pool and garden with limited water resources are more susceptible to infection type of the disease.
• Shows symptoms varied, but often show no clinical symptoms at all.
• The pattern of attacks are chronic mycobacteriosis - sub acute, both in freshwater fish, brackish and sea water fish.
• The optimum temperature ranges from 25-35 ° C, but still can grow well at 18-20 ° C.

Clinical Symptoms:
• Loss of appetite, weak, thin, bulging eyes (exopthalmia) and swelling of the body.
• If the infected skin, red patches occur and develop into sores, fin and tail damage.
• In the advanced phase of infection, internally there has been swelling bile, kidneys and liver, and is often found in the tubercle / brownish white nodule.

• slow growth, pale color and not beautiful, especially for ornamental fish.
• Lordosis, scoliosis, ulcer and fin damage (fractures) can occur in some fish that was attacked.

• Isolation using selective media, and
identified through bio-chemical tests.
• Detection of bacterial genes by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

• infected fish were taken and destroyed immediately
• Avoid using water from ponds that are infected with the bacteria.
• Improve overall water quality, particularly reducing the levels of dissolved organic material and / or - to increase the frequency of replacement of new water
• Management of fish health in an integrated (fish, environment and pathogens)
• Soaking chloramine B or T 10 ppm for 24 hours and after that turn of the new water.

source: Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia, Directorate General of Aquaculture, Fish and Environmental Health Directorate, 2010
