Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

choose parent catfish

choose parent catfish

C. Selecting Parent
Selected parent usually comes from a special holding pond maintenance or floating nets. Typically, the male parent is separated from the female parent. The characteristics of female and the male parent who has made a good parent as follows.

Quality characteristics of the parent

Aged three years.
It weighed 1,5-2 singk / tail.
Parent enlarged abdomen toward the anus.
Stomach felt smooth and soft when touched.
Cloaca swollen and colored
Skin dark red abdomen flabby and thin.
When around cloaca pressed, will exit
few eggs which forms
round and uniform in size.

Aged 2 years
Weighing 1,5-2 singk / tail.
Thin skin and flabby stomach
When massaged, going out semen
Genital swelling and color
